In base alla legge “Finanziaria” è possibile destinare, a discrezione del contribuente, una quota pari al 5 per mille della imposta sul reddito delle persone fisiche anche a finalità di sostegno alle associazioni culturali come ADAA. Con l’aiuto di tutti sarà possibile concretizzare questa opportunità e consentire all’Associazione di acquisire nuove risorse per una sempre maggiore e migliore diffusione della cultura astronomica e scientifica ed in particolare per sostenere il progetto di sviluppo dell’attività giovanile che in questi ultimi 5 anni di attività ci ha visto operare su tutto il territorio nazionale e nelle scuole di ogni ordine e grado dall’elementari all’università.
- Nel modulo della Dichiarazione dei redditi (730, CUD, Unico) trovi un riquadro per il 5×1000. Firma nel primo riquadro a sinistra e riporta sotto la tua firma il nostro codice fiscale:
L’Astronauta italiano Maurizio Cheli
“La notte tra il 20 e il 21 luglio 1969, ad appena 10 anni, mi ritrovo, come milioni di altre persone sparse per il mondo, ad assistere al più grande exploit nel campo della storia dell’astronautica. Sullo schermo di una TV in bianco e nero potevo distinguere l’immagine della sagoma di una tuta spaziale che scendeva i gradini di una scaletta di un velivolo spaziale per posare un piede sulla Luna. L’impossibile era diventato possibile. Uscendo a guardare la Luna, quella sera mi ritrovai a pensare che quell’oggetto così lontano non sarebbe mai più stato qualcosa di misterioso e sconosciuto. Ero letteralmente affascinato da quello che avevo visto: non vi erano dubbi, da grande avrei fatto l’astronauta.” Maurizio Cheli

Maurizio Cheli is an Italian astronaut, test pilot, entrepreneur and speaker. Having passed selection into the Italian Space Agency (Agenzia Spaziale Italiana), Maurizio was a mission specialist and professional astronaut. He has also formerly been a test pilot with Alenia Aeronautica and performed at air exhibitions worldwide. Today he is dedicating his time to public speaking, covering topics such as passion, teamwork, risk and error management, decision making and change management.
As an astronaut and pilot, Maurizio has made many firsts. He became the first Italian Mission Specialist, joining training at NASA Johnson Space Centre. Enduring many years of training, Maurizio is also well known for being part of the Space Shuttle Columbia STS-75 Tethered Satellite mission. As a test pilot, Maurizio is best known for commanding the European Eurofighter Typhoon operational development. He also made headlines after he flew the Eurofighter in a race against Ferrari Michael Schumacher.
In the early days of his career, Maurizio trained at the Empire Test Pilots’ School and the Italian Air Force Academy. He was a highly successful student, claiming awards such as the McKenna Trophy, Alan Cobham Award and the Hawker Hunter Trophy. Maurizio later went on to obtain a masters degree in aerospace engineering, using his education and training to ultimately land the title of lieutenant colonel in the Italian Air Force.
Outside of flying himself, Maurizio is also a budding entrepreneur. Heavily involved in the aviation sector, Maurizio is working with CMF Air, DigiSky, Headapp and Space4mind. From production of electronic devices to high-quality aircrafts, these businesses encompass Maurizio’s passion for all things aviation. Maurizio is also the author of Tutto In Un Istante (All In An Instance), a book documenting his extraordinary career and the things that some of us may never see in our lifetimes.
Today, Maurizio is frequently booked as a keynote speaker for corporate events. Throughout his career, Maurizio has been fortunate to witness the extraordinary as an astronaut and pilot, in the process learning valuable life skills along the way. As a speaker he is sought to cover the topics of teamwork, leadership, risk, management, technology, innovation, decision making and awareness of limitations. Maurizio also provides innovative and unique corporate training through his company Space4mind, sharing insight into the aeronautic and aerospace industry as an engaging keynote speaker.
Contact us to provisionally enquire about Maurizio Cheli for your event today. Simply email us at for more information.